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Non-profit video store Vidiots engaged Wick Architects for their new home in Eagle Rock. The project consists of the deep video collection catalog from their former beloved location in Santa Monica, combined with an existing historic 1920's movie theater. The 1929 Yosemite Theater will be restored from its prior Church incarnation back into a 250 seat theater. Elements of the Vidiots’ 80’s style are interwoven with the classic hallmarks of the original theater. The exterior facade displays surprising splashes of color.  Customers enter the theater through a neon walkway, passing by a donor wall of video tapes, into the expanded original lobby, complete with a new vintage style concession stand and separate bar. The connected retail store will include a second forty seat micro-theater to showcase screenings, community events, and workshops.   | 10,458 SF, Eagle Rock, CA

NEXt: seabirds kitchen